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StatsToDo: Cluster Randomisation

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Sample size
Hints for data entry (Sample Size) Javascript Program (Sample Size)
Calculate Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ρ
from clusters of n, mean, and SD

     - Data a table with 3 columns
     - Each row is calculation for a single study
     - Col 1 is sample size of cluster
     - Col 2 is the mean of cluster
     - Col 3 is the Standard Deviation of cluster

Calculate Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ρ
from clusters of from clusters of binomial data

     - Data a table with 3 columns
     - Each row is calculation for a single study
     - Col 1 is group designation and should be 1 or 2
     - Col 2 is the number of positives in the cluster
     - Col 3 is the number of negatives in the cluster

Calculate sample size from Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ρ
and number of cluster

     - Data a table with 3 columns
     - Each row the data for a study
     - Col 1 is sample size per group according to individual randomization
     - Col 2 is Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ρ
     - Col 3 is number of clusters proposed

Calculate sample size from Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ρ
and numbers in each cluster

     - Data a table with 3 columns
     - Each row the data for a study
     - Col 1 is sample size per group according to individual randomization
     - Col 2 is Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ρ
     - Col 3 is sample size within each cluster proposed
Data Analysis
Hints for data entry (Data Analysis) Javascript Program (Data Analysis)
Data for Cluster randomization Comparing 2 Means
Data is in 4 columns separated by spaces or tabs.
     - Each row the data summary from a cluster
     - Col 1 is group designation and should be 1 or 2
     - Col 2 is the sample size of cluster
     - Col 3 is the mean value cluster
     - Col 4 is the Standard Deviation value of cluster

Data for Cluster randomization Comparing 2 Proportions
Data is in 3 columns separated by spaces or tabs.
     - Each row the data summary from a cluster
     - Col 1 is group designation and should be 1 or 2
     - Col 2 is the number of positives in the cluster
     - Col 3 is the number of negatives in the cluster