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StatsToDo: Prediction and Tests

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Prediction Statistics :
The data is in 4 columns.
    - Each row a separate study
    - Col 1 = Number of True Positives (TP), Test Positive and Outcome Positive
    - Col 2 = Nmber of False Positives (FP), Test Positive and Outcome Negative
    - Col 3 = Nmber of False Negatives (FN), Test Negative and Outcome Positive
    - Col 4 = Number of True Negatives (TN), Test Negative and Outcome Negative

Likelihood Ratio :
The data is in 2 columns.
    - Each row a separate study
    - Col 1 is True Positive Rate (TPR, Sensitivity)
    - Col 2 is False Positive Rate (FPR, 1-specificity, 1-TNR)

Post-test Probability :
The data is in 2 columns.
    - Each row a separate study
    - Col 1 is Pre-test Probability
    - Col 2 is Likelihood Ratio
Post-test Probability

R Codes