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StatsToDo: Sample Size for Obtaining a Mean Value

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Explanations and References Sample Size Tables Javascript Programs
Sample Size

  Table of 3 columns   Each row a calculation
    - Col 1 = % confidence
    - Col 2 = tolerable error, interval from mean
    - Col 3 = expected or assumed Standard Deviations
    - e.g.: 95 0.1 0.4 means 95% CI = ±0.1, when SD is expected to be 0.4
Confidence Interval

  Table of 3 columns   Each row a calculation
    - Col 1 = % confidence
    - Col 2 = sample size
    - Col 3 = Standard Deviation of the data
    - e.g.: 95 62 0.4 means 95% CI, sample size of 62 cases, with SD=0.4
Pilot Study
SSiz Intv
Max SSiz
  Program calculate a single pilot study
    - %CI = Confidence Interval in %. e.g. 95% confidence
    - SSiz Intv = Sample Size Interval to test changes in error
    - Max SSiz = Maximum Sample size limits testing
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