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StatsToDo: Sample Size to Determine a Proportion

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Explanations and References Sample Size Tables Javascript Programs
This sub-panel provides 2 programs, to estimate sample size required to find a proportion at the planning stage, and to estimate the error for confidence intervals when the data is available.

Program 1: Sample Size for Proportion

  Table of 3 columns   Each row a calculation
    - Col 1 = % confidence
    - Col 2 = Expected proportion (0 to 1)
    - Col 3 = Tolerable error
    - e.g.: 95 0.4 0.1 means sample size for 95% confidence of 0.4±0.1

Program 2: Error Estimation for Proportion

  Table of 3 columns   Each row a calculation
    - Col 1 = % confidence
    - Col 2 = Sample size of data
    - Col 3 = Proportion found in data
    - e.g.: 95 24 0.4 means estimate error for 95% confidence interval (p±error),
    when sample sise is 24 observations and proportion (p) found is 0.4
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