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StatsToDo: Squential Analaysis for Unpaired Proportions (Whitehead)

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Calculations for Sequential Analysis for Two Unpaired Proportions

Data is in 4 columns
  - Rows represent data from consecutive observations
  - Col 1 = number with positive attribute in group 1(pos1)
  - Col 2 = number with positive attribute in group 2(pos2)
  - Col 3 = number with negative attribute in group 1(neg1)
  - Col 4 = number with negative attribute in group 2(neg2)
Probability of Type I Error (α) (one tail)
Power (1 - β)
Expected Proportion of Positives (prop1) in group 1
Expected Proportion of Positives (prop2) in group 2
Expected Ratio of Sample Size in the 2 Groups(ratio=n1/n2)
MacroPlot Code